Our Platinum
Wealth Services



Thank you for reviewing our services. The attachments we sent were too large so we are sending you links. Please spend 30-90 minutes reviewing our investment philosophy so you can determine if our conservative approach is aligned with your goals. Below are three TRG e-books with the most popular being "What has worked in Investing". After you review give me a call and we will discuss the next step. 


Thank you, 


John Jastremski

The Retirement Group

Looking For More Information? Check Out These Popular Ebooks

8 Tenets When Picking A Mutual Fund


This ebook provides insight into TRG's investment manager evaluation and selection process, highlighting 8 key factors that we look for in a fund manager.

What Has Worked In Investing


This ebook will provide a researched based analysis to showcase why we believe in value investing and to help you understand our investment philosophy.

Value Series I: Using the P/E Ratio


This ebook discusses how the relationship between a company's market value and its earnings can be used to inform your investment analysis.