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Below you can schedule a call with Kevin Landis, a Wealth Enhancement Advisor. To schedule a call with Kevin, scroll down and click on any of his available times. Kevin Landis is vastly knowledgeable about your company's benefits plan and can help guide you through a happy retirement.

Kevin Landis


Kevin Landis is an SVP, Financial Advisor at Wealth Enhancement. He has been working with Fortune 500 employees for 28 years and is very familiar with your benefits. He has been a financial planner and investment advisor for 28 years. He has a BS Ag Economics degree, Masters of Arts in Theology, certified financial planner, and is a chartered Financial Consultant.

Fun Fact: Kevin rides motorcycles all over the country.

Advisor Q&A

What learning experiences prepared you for this role?

My many years of experience have prepared me for this role.  I've learned a lot from my personal investment advisors, as well as my extensive training for this position. I've researched extensively about risk management and how important it can be to keep emotion out of the investing process. 

What does a typical day look like for you?

The first thing I do in the morning is check the markets and research potential strategies. After that, I review my calendar and begin speaking with clients. Typically I talk with clients from 9AM to 12PM and discuss how they want to proceed with the investing process. After lunch most of my day is spent checking and adjusting portfolios. 

How important is educating clients in your process?

Very important. That is why I conduct zoom meetings so we can go  over the math, discuss strategies, and talk about your concerns. I feel the most important part of my job is to educate my clients to the point where they feel comfort in the strategy they choose to pursue. I put all of our discussion points in writing and email before an in person meeting

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Helping my clients sleep well at night knowing they feel secure about their retirement and their money.


Contacting Kevin

  Direct: (817) 456-6686

  Office: (800) 900-5867

  Connect with Kevin on LinkedIn


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Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM EST
Sat-Sun: By Appointment

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